For many years, especially in the early days of running a small business, I never quite saw the link between creativity and my work. Creativity for me meant paint a picture, do a drawing, mould a piece of clay, even perhaps do a bit of singing. Then I started to discover that when I actually did something creative, work and my business seemed to flow that much easier. Here is another paystub maker online review which might help your business.
I started to question for myself what is creativity and saw that in actuality that creativity is full self-expression. It takes many forms and is a natural extension of our gifts. In coming to accept this realisation, I could begin to clearly see the link to the work I was doing. My work and the business I had created were my way to contribute and share that with others.
The more I accepted the concept that my creativity is my unique self-expression, I found myself with a magical way in which to clearly set my vision, values and actions for starting and maintaining a viable, sustainable business, and the more I allowed and activated my creativity the easier it became. One of the most helpful exercises I did was to actually define for myself what CREATIVITY meant to me, choosing words that inspired and energised me. It has become a powerful way of reminding myself of who I am and how to BE in relationship to my business:
C Clarity
R Release
E Ease
A Action
T Timely
I Insight
V Vital
I Inspired
T Transform
Y You
- I invite you to take some time to discover the meaning of creativity and what it means in your life and your business. Take 5-10 minutes of quiet time to remind yourself as to why you started your business.
- Write down what creativity means to you, where is it present in your life, where has it made a difference.
- Ask yourself where has the use of my creativity really helped in a work situation.
Take the word Creativity and choose powerful, inspiring words to spell it out, then post it somewhere to remind you.
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