The clocks have just gone forward and it is officially British Summer Time – I know it doesn’t feel like it yet!
But it is a good prompt to do some metaphorical spring cleaning – always more fun than the real thing! How do you do this?
Think of some recurring thought you have which makes you feel bad. For example you may think you are not good enough at something, or that someone else has a ‘down’ on you… your brain will already have suggested something to you.
Now take that thought and write it down or make a pictorial representation of it on a piece of paper. And take the paper, destroy it and bin it!!
Once we have literally got rid of the thought, we need to replace it with something more useful to us, something that helps to build our good mood. So find something equivalent, such as: ‘I am good at ….’ Or ‘X really likes me’. Now write that different thought down in bright colours, or again, make a picture to represent it. Stick it to your computer or your desk for a couple of days, and let it soak into your unconscious – and smile whenever you look at it.
You can repeat the process as often as you like – have a good clear-out and start the spring with a joyful heart!